Research: Christ before the High Priest - Gerard van Honthorst
The time of day rules out an identification as Pilate, who, according to biblical accounts, judged Christ during the day. The priest Caiaphas, however, interrogated Christ at night in the house of his father-in-law, Annas. Furthermore, the account in the Gospel of Matthew mentions two false witnesses who came forward during Caiaphas’ questioning of Christ, providing an identity for the two men depicted behind the candlelit priest here. In their false testimony they accused Christ of saying that he could destroy God’s temple and rebuild it in three days.
Sanhedrin claimed that Christ could destroy God's temple and rebuild it in 3 days. This is shown by the burning church. I displayed it on his face so that his betrayal is visible to others. This is similar to ancient Japanese torture; tattoos were given out as punishment in places that couldnt be cover up in order to ostracise them from their friends and family as well as being denied all participation in community life.
The star of david has long been the symbol of the jewish faith and is shown here because the Sanhedrin were a Jewish judicial body.
The concealed blade wrapped in thorns is representative of their wish to kill Jesus. The thorns represent Jesus through his crown of thorns.
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